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Updated: May 30, 2024

Photo credit: Benjamin Voros

I am so very exhausted by it all. The grasping and the hoping and the clinging on. Modern life has become the endless pursuit of things you can never attain, while running for your life from imagined fears that you cannot see. The outside world has become a maelstrom of opinions, judgements, and offended feelings. And amidst it all we are losing the sense of who we are and who we came here to be. There is never any silence. No time for reflection or contemplation, reconnection to our deeper selves. The minute you stop to listen to the whispers from your inner soul, someone thrusts a phone in your hand or dazzles you with the latest netflix special. For they know. They know. That in the silence, God speaks to you. Your Soul and Spirit are crying out for you to follow them. And it is not towards the altar of commerce and insta posts. But to awareness, higher consciousness, and service to the greater good.

I am so very exhausted by it all. I can't keep up anymore. My legs have buckled beneath my panicking frame as the world around me hurtles to a future that makes me feel nauseous and dizzy. The constant noise, the chatter, and relentless moving parts have short-circuited the neurons in my brain and my nervous system is in tatters. I want the world to stop. To stop demanding things of me. To stop showing me flashing images of the perfect American life. To stop trying to distract me with conjured up feuds and outrage and hashtags of who is at war with who. The threat is all in our heads. We are being subtly coerced into turning away from the one thing that is trying to save us. Trying to set us free from this nightmarish holographic world we have created for ourselves.

I am so very exhausted by it all. But I sense a shift is happening. The second sun is coming. Slowly at first, but now gathering momentum, the second sun is coming. It advances across the galaxy, drawn closer by the intent of those of us with eyes to see that another way is possible. An organic way of love, of gratitude, and of oneness. It is not service to self and damn the rest that will save us, but service to humanity and celebration of our connection to all that is, that will reveal the way out of this digital trap. Technology at its heart is neither good nor bad, but we are entering a world of absence, of numbing, of disconnection, while confusing information from our virtual senses with the more powerful data from our innate God-given selves.

But now I know. I've seen it. I know I have the power within me to change worlds. I have the power within me to change my world. I am no longer hypnotised by the conjurer's fears and terrors. Instead, I am aligning to the light, to love, and to hope. The second sun is coming, and when it aligns with our galactic centre there will be a shift in reality that we will all be forced to see. Finally the goggles will fall from our eyes and we will be immersed in the full glory of the Earth as we are meant to see and experience her. And I will be exhausted no more, invigorated and enlivened by the power of the central golden Sun. I am evolving, advancing, morphing, and harmonising with the cosmic tune. Surrendering, letting go, healing the illusion. I am so very excited by it all. I am waiting. I am yearning. I have hope.

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