The Dragon's Head whispers by the light of the Moon: 'Be bold. Not with might, and horns, and clashing swords, but with grace, poise, and kindness to all'.
The Rising Sun whispers through the song of the Earth: 'Be brave. Not with security, and stability, and permanence, but with innovation, rebellion, and imagination'.
The North Wind whispers through blended tone: 'Be strong. Not with solitude, and secrecy and pride, but with connection, cooperation, and community'.
The coming of the Full Moon has delicately pulled away the tainted fabric of the past, releasing it fluttering to the ground. She has illuminated my changing form, and is giving life to the maiden now uncurling her vibrant limbs, eager to take on the day. The silvery touch of the Moon sends shadows scattering from the maiden's youthful form. But she is not afraid. She is the master of the shadows now. They don't frighten her anymore, for they hold the hushed voices of all her past experiences that gently cradle the tender shoots of her future path. The jewelled stars intensify, pulsing and flickering with the knowing that the pendulum has reached the end of its arc, stops, and now swings the other way - there is no more time for fighting, no need for defiance, no place for combat here. The Moonlight whispers in my ear of love, of patience, of trust, and belonging. Light-beings silently move out from the darkness to assemble around me, drawing out the treacle-like densities weighing me down. We will all now be guided by the heart, by intuition, by grace, and by harmony. 'Be bold', Moon says as she touches my cheek. 'Be brave', she murmurs as she strokes my hair. 'Be strong', she urges as she takes my hand.
Come dance with me in the moonlight. A fortnight is all we have before the magic retreats to the other side of the sun. Let yourself be fully in the moment, for a moment is all we have. The Earth is calling back all her lost children, cleansing the shrapel from her wounds with rolling waves and violent tremors. All that was hidden shall be revealed. All in disharmony will be expunged. When this period is over, the land will be refreshed and renewed, joyously held by those who have been assisting the Earth through her labours, waiting for her to ascend to higher dimensions. With piercing brightness the Moon elucidates all we have created in the dark, and asks 'Is this enough? What needs to change? What will you take forward into your future?' Act now, for all too soon the shaft of bright moonlight will begin to narrow then disappear, and the chill of night will creep quietly over your skin. Look around and ask yourself, of all the shadows I see before me, which do I choose as bedfellows once the darkness falls again...