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Updated: Jun 2, 2024

Photo credit: Adrian Moise


my comfort zone

feels like a well worn straight jacket

that eases

into the crooks and bends of my body

like an old friend.

It glares

across the no mans land of my smile


at those who unknowingly trespass

with their untamed exuberance

and hot tears

and shouts of anger,

unaware of the echoing antechamber

that conceals the space






There, sits chained

a wild haired woman

desperate to dance and yell in the rain,

her bare feet pounding the earth

while the gems adorning her ankles and wrists

flash and pulsate

with the joy of Gaia’s heavenly Light.

She’s glimpsed the power of a Love so vast

it flows to the bounds of Space

and back again

like an eternal melody.

And she wants more.

The chance of her freedom

clutches my mind

in a spasm of fear

that my Ego enjoys replaying

again and again.

There is no comfort here,

only vigilance,

limits set,

the checking of paperwork

to ensure that everything is in order,

zoned out

to the call of the wild

that hums my name on the wind.

But she knows it’s coming.

She can feel it.

She’s not the only one

who longs

to pound the Earth with her feet.

The far off drumming slowly building in sound

as the army of Life approaches.

Her toes are twitching,

fingers flickering,

heart mirroring

the rhythm of the beat.

Though her boundaries are watching,

braced for attack,

She knows freedom is coming.

So she waits…

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