Did you notice that we're not allowed to talk about God anymore. Do you see how people look at you with confusion, slight derision and pity. Oh dear, you're one of those people who still believes in a 'higher power', a bearded man on a cloud up there somewhere. They laugh and smirk. Didn't you notice that we have touch screens and smartphones now. We have experts and google to tell us how the world works. It's simple really. Those primitive indigenous peoples were naive. That's why they all died out and we are in charge now. It's all about evidence and science, and things you can prove. We don't need to believe in God anymore. Now we are avatars of the modern world and we have robots and microchips to do all our thinking and deciding for us. Life is much better now.
But I am a renegade, a rebel, a mystic, and I still believe in God. I'm not talking about the statues in crumbling stone buildings that hold secrets, penance, and obligations. I am talking about the God of the stars. The I AM presence that weaves amongst all things, that holds the vibrations of who I came here to be. And yet, there was a time when I felt the same way as you. Shut down and repressed the part of me that thought she could feel God all around her. I scolded her for her useless dreaming and told her to get back to work. I have errands to run, a train to catch, and papers to write about theories that no one will ever use. Stop looking at the world around you, trying to follow the scent of the intangible ether that wafts past you on the breeze. Do your calculations, reach your conclusions, but do it all here, not out there in the land of spirit and woo woo.
Now I have come back full circle and I feel God within me again. Only this time I welcome it in, recognise that I am an avatar too, but an avatar of the Divine. My thinking has been replaced by feeling, and my evidence by intuition. I'm sorry if that sounds too spiritual for you, if I make you uncomfortable and make you turn away so you don't have to feel your ego wretch and squirm. But I'm going back to the old ways, the slow ways, the indigenous ways. For I am an avatar of the peoples who sat around in sacred circles, flickering flames reflected on their faces, chanting and singing, and breaking bread. I am an avatar of the sages who mapped the constellations and the planets, built great temples of consciousness, creating myths and legends so that they wouldn't forget where they came from. I am an avatar of the witches, the curanderas, the crones, who tended their gardens, harvested and foraged, communing with Gaia through the leaves, roots and flowers that offered healing to their families and friends. I am an avatar of the sun, the moon, and the milky way that spiral through time and space, gathering memories and mastery for the greater good.
I am a renegade, a rebel, and a mystic. And I see the avatar of God within you. Your eyes are nebulas, your neurons a galaxy, your bronchi the lungs of the Earth. Your laugh is birdsong, your skin like sand dunes, and your presence the warmth of the sun. Your toes are tree roots, your hair colourful seaweed, and your breath is food for the leaves. Your strength is Aries, your anger hot lava, and your sadness dark rainclouds at sea. I say these words for those who can hear me. For those who feel the thrumming in their feet of the wave of transformation coming. For those who are trying to find the strength to push themselves up from the canvas one last time. For those whose avatars are seeking connection to a deeper part of their soul. For those whose muscles tremble with the effort of stumbling against the crowd. Stand aside if all you hear is religion, delusion and fantasy. These words are not for you. I say these words for those who still believe in a God of oneness, of creation, of consciousness, abundance, and potential. We are the avatars of the old way, the slow way, the indigenous way. We are the renegades. We are the mystics. We are the rebels.